OPA Alumni Panel (for Families and 8th grade Students) TOPIC: Middle School to High School Transition: Middle to High School Transition

OPA Alumni Panel (for Families and 8th grade Students) TOPIC: Middle School to High School Transition: Middle to High School Transition
6/7/2023, 5:30 PM 6:30 PM

OPA Alumni Panel (for Families and 8th grade Students) TOPIC: Middle to High School Transition

We are having an OPA alumni panel for our current OPA 8th graders and their families. The goal of this panel is to help our Champions successfully transition academically and socially to senior high school.

Join us via Zoom to ask alumni and their parents/guardians questions about high school. 


Jaclynn Merlette is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Meeting ID: 824 0627 2624
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Meeting ID: 824 0627 2624
Find your local number: https://oxfordchampions.zoom.us/u/k8T1ILgq8


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